Mirvac Pallonji Immobiliare FrancOwn offers Property Investment opportunities in three stages:
- Stage 1: Private Opportunity (PO)
- Stage 2: First SQFT Opportunity (FSO)
- Stage 3: Mirvac Pallonji ImmobiliareTrade
Private Opportunity is the earliest stage to invest. The total number of investors is capped at 200 per opportunity, on a first-come, first-served basis. There’s a minimum investment amount required.
Investment Breakdown:
- 20%: Subscribes to the partnership interest of the SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle), making you a part-owner of the SPV.
- 80%: Subscribes to the loan raised by the SPV. This loan is converted into smaller units called Mirvac Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT, credited to your Virtual SQFT Wallet.
Mirvac Pallonji ImmobiliareONE.SQFT can be transferred/sold digitally to other users on the Mirvac Pallonji Immobiliare FrancOwn Platform only. For more details, refer to the Terms of Use.